Movement Practices

Dance Classes | Restorative Practices

New Offerings!

Beginning Modern Dance Workshop Starting March 5th

Live Meditation Starting Feb 8th

Restorative Class Series coming soon!

Weekly Adult Dance Classes

Intermediate Contemporary (Adults)

  • Tuesday’s @ 7:30-9PM

  • Drop-in: $20

  • Sign up online or in-person!

  • Dance experience required

Beginning Modern Workshop (Adults)

  • March 5th, 2024 to March 26, 2024

  • Tuesday’s @ 6:30-7:30PM

  • $80 for 4 classes!

  • No dance experience required

Meditation & Restoration

Live Meditation (Zoom)

  • Thursday’s from 9-9:15PM EST.

  • No fee

  • Sign up online or by contact

  • 10 minutes seated total, influenced by Zazen Meditation

Restorative Movement Classes

  • Coming Soon!

How I developed Body and Movement Intelligence

    • Highly Specialized Dance Technique (Horton, Floorwork, Contemporary, Forsythe, Ballet, Street Jazz, Improvisation, Contact Improv)

    • Pilates

    • Yoga

    • Martial Arts

    • Cross Training in Running and Swimming

    • Aerial Silks / Pole Dancing

    • Zazen Meditation

    • Nei Gong

    • Somatic Body Mapping

    • Brain Mapping

    • Reflective Journal Practice

    • Time spent in Nature

    • Breath Work

  • Eastern Practices of Holistic Health

    • 5 Element Theory in TCM

    • Effortless Action, Wu Wei from Taoism

    • Chakras from Hinduism

    • Principle of Attachment from Buddhism

    Western Therapies & Research

    • Somatic Experiencing and Talk Therapy

    • Past Life Regression Therapy

    • Color Therapy

    • Expressive Arts Therapy

    • Depth Psychology and Developmental Psychology

    • Trauma and the Nervous System

    • Transcendence

    • 0-Point Energy Field

    • Improvisational Dance and Art

    • Personal Retreat Model

    • Data Collection of Energetic States and Holistic Well-Being

    • Value Assessment Resource

    • Free-Association Assessment

    • Practicing Mindfulness of Speech, Receptivity and Spontaneity

    • Leading with the Heart and Moving with Fullness of Capacity

Setting an Environment to Experience and Release Intense Emotion through Spontaneous Dance

This is an example of an Improvisational Dance Practice that I developed to challenge my ability to emotionally balance in a public space while remaining grounded, connected and vulnerable.

These films I called “Silent Movement” were shot in silence. The dancing was all improvised and spontaneous.

Making Sense of Interpersonal Worlds and Relationships through Spontaneous Art

This video is a visual demonstration of a creative process in which I play with and examine the unknown flow of images, symbols and mystery that are contained in personal and collective consciousness.

Like improvisational dance, this process required movement and an openness to ride layered facets of human consciousness.